Statement Pieces: What's there not to love?

The word out on the street is, less is more. And we totally agree.
A statement piece is a secret known only to the wearer, it's something that can revolutionize your outfit and turn it from eek to fleek! My statement pieces are usually things that I invest way more than I should in every season and they're usually bags, jackets or shoes.
Like I've mentioned, a statement piece is usually expensive and it makes you feel like the world is a better place every single time you wear it. If you're a shopaholic on a budget, do as the word says and set one!


  1. Range
    First of all, you have to think about how much you're willing to spend. Well, willing isn't the best word. How much you are ALLOWING yourself to spend. Make it proportional to your income so that your shopping doesn't mess with your finances.
  2. Categorize, categorize, categorize!
    Splitting your budget into different categories might really help you structure your shopping. For example, if your budget for a whole year is 1000€, make that into 300€ for shoes, 200€ for beachwear, 200€ for jeans and shorts, another 200€ for shirts and dresses and a final 100€ for accessories. This is a way for you to be able to even out your spendings. 
  3. Keep Track of Your Spendings
    Me and C don't usually set strict shopping budgets, but if we did, being the shopaholics we are, we'd have to really keep track of what we were spending. And that's what we suggest you do! Write down what you spend and always be aware of how much you're stretching your budget out. If you don't spend your budget, let it carry over and save up to buy something a little more expensive that you've had your eye on for a while. 
  4.  Be Strategic
    Whenever my "budget" is running low and I'm indecisive about whether I should buy something or not, I ask myself these questions: "Do I need this? Do I really REALLY need this?" and its obvious my subconscious is going to be like "Yes, you do!" but then if you go into deeper thought and ask yourself questions like "Doesn't my friend have something just like this that I can borrow?" or "Won't this be out retailing for a way lower price at the seasonal sales?". These questions avoid a lot of shopping mistakes that could potentially screw your budget up.
Getting back on track, statement pieces, yes. They're the most eye-catching item in your outfit and we should definitely pay them some more attention. Let your personality and mood shine through your chosen item and find out just how much of a story fashion can tell. Below are a few of my desired statement pieces and the links to shop for them online. 


Hope you enjoy! 
Xo. M. 


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We're going to try and post every two days on a random category. We'll be adding pictures to our lookbooks every week along with the links where you can find the outfits.


If you have any suggestions, comments, or simply want to communicate with us, send us an email at and we'll respond ASAP! Xo C. M.

Meet The Author

We're two girls who LOVE fashion, beauty and blogging. C just got in the fashion industry as a Commercial Model for Elite and she is a perfectionist who loves traveling and cappuccinos. M is a book obsessed shopaholic who loves chai tea latte's. We hope you enjoy reading our blog as much as we enjoy working on it.